So, where does that leave us?

So, where does that leave us?

We are here, LITERALLY, “for such a time as this”, and time, although a construct, is an indicator of where we are in the divine order of the eras.

2024 is an arena; a setting of a battleground and we require all the strength we can receive from EVERYTHING in our arsenal to STAND. Not fight, but stand. The Host of Heaven are the warriors, we are called to stand and glow. LOVE. Radiate. SPEAK OUT. DECLARE. SHARE with those who have “ears to hear”. Yeshua’s words really do apply here and he understands more than anyone how that feels, but save your pearls (and your precious energy) for those who choose to listen.

If we “waste” our energy on those dulled by the GREAT NUMBING (referred to as the “spirit of the age” in the New Testament”) we will be expending precious resources unnecessarily – like pouring out liquid gold into the gutter.

Just as in WW2, the resistance was made up of many different individuals with very different ideologies, backgrounds, faiths, cultures, even languages, similarly we have the privilege of witnessing the coming together of many & varied individuals who recognise the “time”.

Increasingly, Yeshua’s words will have new application, especially what he spoke about towards the end of his time on the earth, becoming interpreters of the signs of the times.

It is a really exciting mission though. In MISSION IMPOSSIBLE the phrase, “your mission, should you choose to accept it…” applied earlier, but we HAVE accepted. We HAVE chosen and the baton is firmly in our hands, so let’s run with it, the race set before us. Like those carrying the Olympic torch. The light shines, dispelling darkness, everywhere we go.

Don’t worry about the minutiae and the detail of what, when, where and how. Trust in the provision and BE the light. It’s a fun ride; a wild ride, but it IS a can be an enjoyable one!

By the way, Yes! Cloud Atlas was written to give you a clue.


What, little old me? “Surely, not ME!”


“Being busy for the sake of being busy.”