Welcome to Michelle’s thoughts, Ideas & music
Thoughts & Ideas
“SO, there is DIVINE PROVISION, RIGHT NOW to do what you and I are made for, are HERE FOR, so let’s grab it with both hands and CARRY OUT OUR MISSION STARTING TODAY”
It is a beautiful thing to be blessed with the interest and desire to keep acquiring wisdom, knowledge, new insight and revelation.
We are here, LITERALLY, “for such a time as this”, and time, although a construct, is an indicator of where we are in the divine order of the eras.
I’ve often heard people say things like : “I haven’t stopped today; it’s been all go” or. “I haven’t sat down all day” (not that sitting for too long is desirable either, but you get the point).
“ I’m not suggesting that there is the equivalent of a cosmic hardware shopkeeper relying on the accuracy of our requests otherwise we won’t get what we want, but maybe there IS something in this”